1. Praxistermin
CAD/CAM Design
2. Praxistermin

2 Minuten
DentalTwin KI generiert die fertige Zahnaufstellung (virtuelles Waxip)

1 Woche
Druck der Fräsen des Zahnersatzes

Preparation of an intraoral scan
of the partially edentulous jaw (before and
after preparation)

Submission of the stl file to the
DentalTwin portal

DentalTwin AI rekonstruiert
auf Basis des IO-Scans die fehlenden
Zähne in optimaler Bisslage

Download the finished stl file as a
virtual wax-up in your own CADCAM
or implant planning software
- No manual processes
DentalTwin eliminates all manual processes previously required for tooth setup in patients with an unknown jaw relationship:
Bite mould production
Jaw relation determination
Facebow transfer
Model scans
Model analysis
Bite registrations harbour
great potential for error
The registration of the correct vertical and horizontal jaw relationship with the aid of bite moulds is very error-sensitive. Determining the correct occlusal plane and the corresponding tooth set-up has so far required a great deal of expertise and a large number of personnel. The smallest errors often lead to defects in the denture, which can only be solved with a great deal of labour. DentalTwin offers optimised, data-based tooth set-ups without risk in just a few minutes.
- Reduced treatment time
Most of the process steps that can be saved with DentalTwin require registration directly in the patient's mouth. The patient therefore has to make several treatment appointments at the practice. The practice requires a corresponding number of staff in the treatment room, with enormous consequences such as energy and material consumption, etc.
- Open integration
With DentalTwin, laboratories and practices experience unlimited flexibility. The virtual wax-ups are provided as STL files in the DentalTwin portal and can be seamlessly integrated into any software - be it CAD/CAM, implant planning or smile design. Thanks to the browser-based portal and the pay-per-use model, there is no need for expensive hardware or software investments. DentalTwin means maximum freedom without commitment!
Possible applications

Waxup for CADCAM-
design of dentures

Wax-up for implant

Visualisation in Smile
Design software